Find the Best Cemetery | Ever Loved


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Find the right cemetery with ease

Easily find and compare local cemeteries, so you can make the right choice for you or your loved one.

Ever Loved is here for you.

Losing a loved one can be incredibly difficult. At Ever Loved, our goal is to remove unnecessary stressors, so you can focus on what matters.

Finding the right cemetery should be easy

Know your options

See available cemeteries in your area, all in one place.

Compare easily

Understand how cemeteries compare on multiple key factors.

Connect in seconds

Easily reach out to cemeteries you want to connect with.

Why research nearby cemeteries?

Not every cemetery is the same. When you're choosing a cemetery plot for a loved one (or yourself), there are lots of factors to consider. What will it be like to visit? How convenient is the location? What type of plot is best for your needs? How much does it cost and how does that compare to similar plots at other local cemeteries? What other costs are involved? Many cemeteries make it difficult to get all this information easily.

When you can compare local cemeteries side-by-side, you can feel confident that you're making the best decision for your needs—making a difficult decision a little bit easier.

How to find the right cemetery


Start with the location

First, speak with your loved ones to determine the general area that makes the most sense. Then look up the state and city to find nearby cemeteries.


Compare your options

It can be hard to tell the difference between cemeteries from their websites. Ever Loved makes it easy to compare cemeteries side-by-side.


Get in touch

Once you've found the right cemetery (or at least narrowed it down), Ever Loved makes it easy to get in touch in the manner you prefer.

Choose a final resting place

Find and compare cemeteries from the comfort of your home.

Browse cemeteries by state

Looking for a cemetery plot? Find the right cemetery near you by clicking on your state and then finding your city. Once you've narrowed down your search, compare cemeteries based on your preferences and choose the right one for your family. Still need help? Give us a call and we can help you with the planning process.

Browse cemeteries by state